

#1 Text To Speech (TTS) Reader Online. Free & Unlimited

TTSReader reads out loud texts, webpages, pdfs & ebooks with natural sounding voices. Works out of the box. No need to download or install. No sign in required.

Free Text to Speech Online with Realistic AI Voices

Text to speech (TTS) is a technology that converts text into spoken audio. It can read aloud PDFs, websites, and books using natural AI voices.

Free Text to Speech Software (TTS)

Convert text to voice with this onlie text to speech software. It's easy and free. Write your message and download it as mp3 file.

NTUT's Chinese to Taiwanese Text-to

Chinese to Taiwanese Text-to-Speech(TTS). Yuan-Fu Liao, National Taipei ... Synthesized speech: 請選擇腔調. 強勢腔(高雄腔), 次強勢腔(台北腔). 男聲, 女聲. 語音 ...

Text To Speech (TTS)

2023年11月23日 — 使用TTS(文字轉語音)功能,透過文字轉語音功能將任何文字轉換為音訊將轉換後的文字儲存為音訊文件瀏覽使用TTS 或文字轉語音功能從文字轉換而來的已儲存 ...


透過採用Google 機器學習技術的API,將文字轉換為自然流暢的語音。支援40 多種語言和方言,提供超過220 種語音選項。


TTSMaker is a free text-to-speech tool and an online text reader that can convert text to speech, it supports 100+ languages and 100+ voice styles, ...

ttsMP3.com: Free Text-To

Free Text-To-Speech and Text-to-MP3 for US English. Easily convert your US English text into professional speech for free. Perfect for e-learning, presentations ...

為您的客戶提供栩栩如生的Text To Speech 聲音

ReadSpeaker 提供一系列強大的text-to-speech 解決方案,可在任何環境中即時部署為您量身定制,栩栩如生的語音交互。

線上Text To Speech

e-Learning Voices: Text to Speech or Voice Actors · ReadSpeaker speechCloud API · ReadSpeaker speechMaker · ReadSpeaker speechMaker Desktop · Applications.

17 個可以將文字檔轉 mp3 語音的工具懶人包

17 個可以將文字檔轉 mp3 語音的工具懶人包
